Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Here's the good news

Payday is in two days. That's something.

I only make $1,750 every two weeks. In twenty six paychecks a year, that's a net income of $45,500. As everyone knows, much of my gross earnings goes to taxes, family health and dental insurance, and retirement savings.

Because I'm already in the hole this week, I will probably only see $1,150. Of course I transfer $100 of every paycheck to Larry's account because he helped me pay for the largest, most expensive living room window which was collecting dangerous mold along the windowpanes.  That will leave me with $1,050. Once the bills are paid, most of them through auto debit, that number will dwindle down considerably fast within one week. But it's still something.

There's more good news to share.

My kids and I are healthy. There are no medical bills to pay, except for a $25 dentist's copay from my son's last filling.

I joined a gym last winter. My health insurance company rewards me by paying me back $20 every month that I visit at least twelve times. I love it. Working out regularly helps me relieve my stress and I can go anytime that works for me. My success in visiting my gym twelve time a month for the last seven months helps me feel good that I can stick to a plan. Yay, me!

It's summer, and my teacher's schedule allows me to stay home with the kids. Therefore, I don't have to pay any before or after school care for my son these summer months.

The kids' upcoming week of summer camp is paid in full.

My car still has a quarter tank of gas. That will last me the next 4-5 days until it's time to fill 'er up again.

The kitchen cupboards and freezer are filled with nutritious food and snacks until I shop for groceries on payday. We have enough milk, eggs, bread, cheese, fruit, vegetables, peanut butter, cereal, rice, and a pound cake for dessert for the rest of the week. I've got two lasagnas, one regular and the other vegetarian for my daughter, that are ready to be cooked tonight for dinner. I'm sure we'll have enough for leftovers tomorrow.

This Thursday is my son's last regular season soccer game. I'm pretty sure that my last $16 in cash will be able to cover some Dairy Queen treats in case the coach tells the families to meet there. I've learned as a soccer/baseball/basketball mom that you have to be ready for such unplanned expenses with some of these coaches.

Finally, I got an offer for a part time job yesterday waiting tables and helping in the kitchen of a neighborhood pub and grill. Since the beginning of this summer, I've been knocking on doors and emailing resumes for anything I can do to earn more money over the summer months. Until yesterday, nothing looked promising. I'm really happy about this. So is my son. He gave me a high five when he heard that I got the job. Smiley face.

Did I mention that payday is in two days? 

Question: What have you done to earn extra money when you needed it?


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