Sunday, December 1, 2013

131/234: Sittin' pretty

Today is December 1st. While most people measure how many days there are until Christmas, I measure  how many paychecks until Christmas. For me, it's two paychecks: the one from this past Friday, and December 13th.

I am sitting pretty with a checking account that is healthy and bills scheduled to be paid. I have had my student loan switched out of a collection agency and back with the Department of Education. That is a huge difference from last year.

A year ago today, I was opening up bank statements that showed insufficient funds. I was facing Christmas shopping with a headache of worry, knowing that the only way I could afford anything was if I postponed paying the phone and electric bills.

Today, I keep my budget on my iPhone and I regularly check it. No bill are paid late and I always know how much is left to spend.

This Christmas, I have $290 this pay period and up to $600 on December 13th. I will be getting a $2,000 bonus in January for teaching an extra class this semester, and I've reduced my health savings account by $100 per pay period. That means that once Christmas shopping is paid with cash, I will have a wealthy feeling in January. I don't wish that sick "oh no, I've maxed my credit cards after the holidays" feeling on anyone, but I'm happy that at least I won't be feeling it. Hopefully, I'll never feel that feeling again.

1 comment:

  1. It appears as if you are righting your financial ship! Congratulations and best of luck in 2014.
