I don't mean to be depressing, but being broke isn't pretty.
I feel better now at 8:19 am, but when I awoke around 6:00 I had that familiar sinking feeling. Payday was two days ago Friday, but I feel crappy that I still don't have enough.
Yesterday my dad helped me plop down some money to buy a certified used car. But while I can check "buying a reliable car" off of my list of things to do, I was hoping to have my older car sold by now.
When I am able to sell my old car, I'll have enough money to cover this month's student loan, my son's daycare for the month, and this month's HELOC, a byproduct of my marriage with Larry.
On the bright side, I recently did something new. I scheduled two credit card payments online for the due date or earlier. All of my biweekly payments are listed on my smartphone, so while I check my account every morning, I also check off on my phone which payments have been scheduled and which have gone through my account. I love my new budget and payment system! That in and of itself makes me feel a bit more in control.
My goal today is to remain positive, be cheerful around my family, and keep on keeping on. I will make it this month...I always do.
I have been in a similar place. In fact, my blog post tomorrow talks about that. Stay focused and positive, my friend. As the old saying goes, "it is always darkest before the dawn."