I'm in financial hell as I write this. My plan is to get out.
I think that writing about the process, twists, turns, mistakes, and hopefully the successes will help. At the very least, journal writing will hopefully keep me accountable and on task. I need to get through this problem one day at a time so that I can feel better. I want financial sanity, and I want it NOW!
I wish there was an Anonymous group for people like me. Is there one? Money Worriers Anonymous? It can't be called Spenders Anonymous because I never have any money to spend, at least not now. If there isn't a support group, maybe I need to form one. Not a bad idea, so I'll table it for now.
Here's my rough plan for the next twelve months:
1) (THOUGHTS AND WORDS) I'm going to be more honest with myself and with others about my financial limitations.
2) (ACTIONS AND WORDS) I'm going to check my credit reports. (*I called and ordered my three credit reports on Aug. 19) Then study
them. Then ask companies to take off debts that are paid in full.
3) (ACTIONS) I'm going to set up a plan to pay off my remaining two credit cards.
4) (THOUGHTS, WORDS) I'm going to ask a friend to be my "spending sponsor" for when I need to control my spending urges.
5) (ACTIONS) I'm going to read more books about paying off debt and making my money count.
6) (ACTIONS) I'm going to open up a savings account, and NOT dip into it like I've done in the past.
7) (THOUGHTS) I'm going to be kind to myself.
8) (ACTIONS) (*I've got a jar on my dresser for tip money from Skinny's) I'm going to start a Treat Savings Jar for myself and my family
9) (ACTIONS) I'm going to research how to become pre-approved for a new house, and begin that process.
10) (THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS) I'm going to celebrate my successes responsibly with my friends and family.
11) (WORDS) I'm going to ask for moral support, not financial support.
12) (THOUGHTS AND WORDS) I'm going to come up with a mantra that will get me through the next 365 days after this first try.
I'm frustrated, I'm angry at myself, and I'm ready. Let's do this.
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