It has been too long since I've written. Time flies. Money isn't as tight. I've been feeling a lot more like a success than a failure, and here's why...
1. I haven't had an overdraft in my account since last fall. God's honest truth!
2. I've opened up a savings account.
3. I contribute at least $200 every month to said savings account. I've got over $1,000.00 presently.
4. I check my accounts every day. Every day. No lie and no joke.
5. Whenever I check my accounts, I compare my latest balances and spending with my budget. Every bill and due date is on my phone, just a few click away.
6. I can new clothes and shoes for my children any given week.
7. I can shop at the more expensive grocery store if they have a couple of things that we need or want.
8. My cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer are packed to the gills, daily!
9. I can afford a monthly massage and still have money leftover for .... whatever my family needs.
10. In only two months, I will have paid off nearly all of my debt, aside from student loan. Once the debt is paid off, both the kids' college funds and our yearly vacation fund will be substantially beefed up.
I owe this success to the power of writing. When once puts ideas and feelings onto to paper (or an online platform), it sets action unconsciously in motion. When I look back on what I wrote last July, I have done nearly everything on my list of things to accomplish, except joining Debtors Anonymous. I looked into that group, but it didn't fit my schedule.
Also, I've appreciated the support of Savvy James and others through Twitter that have helped me on this journey.
Only 3 and a half months to arrive at financial betterment. Yay!~